Dystopian Dawn "Time Warped" Source Adventure Book (Print - Original Cover)


What is Time Warped?

This Source and Adventure book expands on the Paradisium provinces of Coastal, Seclusion Falls, and Terminexus.

Time Warped introduces new villages and areas across the irradiated swamps and jungles of the eastern coast.

  • Inside this 100-page book you’ll find:

  • New Mutations

  • Optional Mutant Package for character creation

  • Optional Astronaut Package for character creation

  • All of the “redacted” Paradisium secrets hidden in Seclusion Falls, Coastal, and Terminexus!

  • New Creatures

  • New Skills and Styles

  • New Gear

  • A multi-arc campaign

  • Dozens of Adventure Plots

  • Lots of Random Event Tables

  • Dozens of new NPCs

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This is the 3rd (in a series of 6) Source Adventure book for Dystopian Dawn.

You can also order a print version of the Limited Edition Alternate Cover!